While sitting in church last week I heard my priest mention an article about the contents of chef’s refrigerators and what it says about their personalities.  For those of you who are wondering what it’s called, you can find the article in the entitled “You Probably Don’t Want To Look in the Crisper” in the NY Times.  The article explores the contents of 11 different NYC chefs and asks questions that related to their personal lives.  Two of the questions spread a small smile across my face.  One asked if they could throw together a meal if unexpected guests showed up at their doorstep, and the other covered “expiration dates” of leftovers.  I found both entertaining for two reasons; one most of my most memorable creations start with my staring at the contents of my refrigerator, and two my dad’s version of “expiration” is smelling a questionably old container and then tasting it to see if its gone bad.   As a frame of reference 1.5 week old beef is considered edible to my father.

In regards to fridge contents: mine have changed drastically recently.  Having your own fridge does that to a person. That’s right folks, I flew the coup! In recent month’s I moved out of my parents house (insert inner standing ovation), and have gotten in touch with my health conscience, which had taken a long winters nap.  Now, being even more budget conscious than before, the occupants of my fridge have become there on a need to buy basis. In all honesty my fridge presently reminds me of  my college fridge.  It has the necessitates; milk, eggs, fruits and veggies, hummus, salsa, every condiment imaginable, and the not so edible containers that were intended to be consumed but sat there for a week when you went to your parents to save money.  I guess you could call it the “healthy single busy persons fridge.” Meager fridge contents aside, my freezer is well stocked with meats, starches and seafood.  Could I throw together a last minute meal?  You bet you a **! In fact I did just that. Glaring down my fridge and pantry, I came up with a delicious menu that saved me money and calories.  Added bonus!  Thank God for care packages from your parents.

To make the delicious springtime meal that I made yesterday you will need only a few basic pantry ingredients and leftovers.  That’s right this feast is budget, Easter leftover, and waistline friendly.   In one fell swoop you can clean out your fridge and pantry without all the guilt.  Fair warning I don’t use recipes, the menu I planned was made in  true Christine style, “what do I have in front of me, and how can I make it taste good?” For those of you that need exact measurements I’ve tried to come up with something to go on.

Now that I have you on the edge of your seat wondering what this incredible menu consists of, here is the moment of truth.  This delicious two course meal begins with a tomato carrot gazpacho with a chive oil drizzle topped with grilled shrimp and a ham and spring veggie quiche.  Though both may seem a little daunting, I promise you can most likely go into your kitchen and find most of the ingredients right now. Disclaimer ** that is not an absolute promise

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