Today I am reviewing two wines because bad days require more than just one glass of wine.  Today was one of those days where just being “stressed out” seems like a walk in the park, and a nervous breakdown is about as imminent as a nerd getting a swirly.  The combination of staring at my account balance of exactly $11.19 and the fact that I haven’t had a second to breathe, suddenly gave me the feeling of impending doom.  So yes, I can shamelessly say that today is a two glass of wine kind of day.

Wine numero uno is a white, of course, ironically entitled “Wishing Tree”.  While I could use a wish (more like a miracle) at the present moment,  in today’s world believing that a wish could come true is about as crazy as believing prince charming will come whisk you away on his noble white steed.  For those of us who can’t find our valiant knight on a white horse, a shining bottle of white wine is a fantastic substitute; especially this week’s pick.

It is an un-oaked chardonnay, or as I like to call it “wine in the buff,” so it lacks the blanket of a slightly smoky flavor.  Instead it has a rather refreshing taste, like a cool breeze that kisses your face in the staggering heat of summer.   Notes of fresh peach, rich sultry pear, delicate apple blossom, and invigorating lemon play on your tongue like children on a beach.   Each sip is vibrant, delicately fruity and leaves you with a bright tang reminiscent of orange zest.  I enjoyed my glass with a seasonal butternut squash ravioli and arugula salad, but this marvelous wine would be a delightful complement to any meal.

Wine number two is a red, the perfect wine for days when light and fruity just doesn’t cut it.  Continuing in the ironic names that seem to annoyingly mock you when life has you down on your luck, this one is called “Live a Little”.  This one walks on the tangier side of red, combining ripe raspberry with a hint of sensuously sweet cherry.   The undertones are just as tempting as the body, intertwining faint hints of earthy vanilla, the sharp bite white pepper, and soft smoky soft tannins.  Dig a little deeper and you can taste luscious and slightly sinful chocolate and a rich nutty essence creating what I like to think of a more enjoyable version of a chocolate covered cherry.  It seems like the perfect counterpart to a big juicy hamburger or a warm snuggly couch; either way you can’t go wrong.


Keep you wallets full and your mouths happy!

<3 DD

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